Tag Archives: Scania 2017

Finaly we meet..

Finaly we meet..

During the introduction of the new generation Scania is presenting one of the prototype trucks that has been running around Europe. Dozens of these camouflaged trucks were used to test all the new systems and technology on board and doing that they were caught often by truckdrivers and truckspotters. We at Iepieleaks got a lot…Continue Reading

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Scania is teasing with the news

Scania is teasing with the news

With the official launch coming up in only nine days from now Scania is teasing with the new generation. This photo I found on Facebook, and it shows the complete new layout of the front. The other photo is the scale model again and that one shows two interesting things. Yes! There will be a…Continue Reading

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New Scania, more details!

New Scania, more details!

Now here is something, i just got these photo’s sent in by one of the Iepieleaks fans out there on the road. What we see here are the first serious photo’s of the new Scania without all the camouflage panels. This is probalby going to be the shape of the truck that is going to…Continue Reading

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Scania teasing with the news..

Scania teasing with the news..

Scania now officialy anounched the launch of the new generation on the 23 of august. Until then we espect litle teasers and the first one is the steering wheel and the dashboard. What we see is a steering wheel with a lot of switches and a flattened lower half. One other thing this photo tells…Continue Reading

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New Scania, launch at IAA?

New Scania, launch at IAA?

We have seen a lot of Scania fieldtest trucks comming by, and here is another one. This photo was taken by Jarno Mikki Mäkelä, thanks for that Jarno! What we see is a much higher cab than the Scania we know now and we think this is the optional flat floor version. For the rest…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024