Tag Archives: Australia

NextGen Scania’s nearly ready for Down Under

NextGen Scania’s nearly ready for Down Under

Scania is preparing the introduction of it’s NextGen trucks for the Australian market. As we all know, due to weather circumstances, Australia is the most demanding continent on the planet when it comes to operating trucks. The Swedes are testing a B-Double rig featuring a non EGR V8 engine. This should not be a problem,…Continue Reading

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Scania Oz develops 10×8 R730 Quad Road Train

Scania Oz develops 10×8 R730 Quad Road Train

Scania  Australia has just built its biggest ever truck, an R 730 V8 8×8 converted to 10×8 specification by adding a tag axle. Qube Bulk, Australia’s leading mine to market logistics provider, will utilise the truck in its Quad Road Train fleet in Pilbara, Australia. These are the largest on-road vehicles in the country and…Continue Reading

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The short life of Sterling

The truck brand Sterling is probably the brand with the shortest life ever. Once Sterling was an independent brand but in 1953 it was taken over by White Trucks. Now White was taken over by Volvo, but DaimlerChrysler took the brandname Sterling over and started using it again. That did not take very long, and…Continue Reading

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Australian army orders 2,500 MAN's

Australia’s army has ordered no less than 2,500 new trucks from MAN. The vehicles will be built at MAN’s specialised defense-company Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles in Austria. Australia pays 1,1 billion euro’s for it’s new truckfleet. Australia ordered many rigids, tipper vehicles in various shapes and sizes, vehicles to deal with swap bodies, and recovery…Continue Reading

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Iveco Stralis Hi-Way Extreme!

These photo of a streched Iveco Stralis Hi-Way seem to be original, and not photoshopped, tough you never know these days. What I make of it is that the truck was shot in Australia, where they don’t care that much about vehicle dimensions. The, lets call it Stralis Hi-Way Extreme, looks good and must offer…Continue Reading

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Volvo FH: XXL coming?

Volvo used to build an XXL version of the old FH Globetrotter for the Australian market. In a later that big-cab-Volvo was also sold in Norway, and some of them are driving all over Europe. After the new FH has been launched in Australia, there is no sign yet of a new XXL version. I…Continue Reading

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Volvo field test, also in Australia!

The field tests with the new FH series of Volvo are the biggest that i’ve ever seen. The trucks were not only tested in Europe, but also in Brazil and in Australia. Here’s a nice Youtube about testing down under.  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au8LBWaV0xI&w=560&h=315]Continue Reading

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