Retrofit your older truck to Euro VI

A Finnish company called Proventia has developed a set with which you can upgrade your Euro 4 or Euro 5 truck to a modern Euro 6 truck. The system was actually introduced a year ago, but only now, Proventia has won all approvals which allow delivery Europe wide.

The past year was spent with testing in labs and on the road. Now, the first trucks can be fitted with this system and they will be allowed in environmental zones in inner cities like Stockholm. Meanwhile, Proventia starts to deliver their system, called NOxBuster, in the UK as well.

Proventia’s new system is mainly targeted to trucks which operate in inner cities. There, exhaust gases harldy come to a temperature where the SCR-system can be sufficiently effective, This follows from short distances driven. To deal with this, Proventia developed an improved catalyst and smarter electronics as well as better isolation.

The current used truckmarket suffers from very many Euro 5 and EEV trucks. With the new system, they could possibly be upgraded.

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