After the introduction of the new DAF XF, XG and XG+ DAF is now in the proces of preparing the next important truck news with the new CF series. These photo’s were taken today in the south of The Netherlands. The truck we see here has a lower version of the XF cab with a low roof. Where the XF has five bars in the grille under the plate that is going to get the DAF logo this version has only four. This probably means the new CF has only two steps to climb in the cab.
This new generation of heavy distribution trucks is going to get the same wheelbase as the XF tractor units, since the cab has the same length in this sleeper cab version. That means better maneuverability in the city centers than the 4 meter long XG models. Rumours say the new CF is going to be presented next spring and the name is going to be DAF XD. Thanks for the pictures Roger van Nispen!