Category Archives: Bedrijfsnieuws

New Renault Pickup!

New Renault Pickup!

And there is the all new Renault Pickup truck! The pickup is basicly the same as the new Nissan Navara NP300. The same platform will later also be the basic structure for a new Mercedes-Benz pickup. After Volkswagen that has the succesfull Amarok this means a real boost for the pickup segment in Europe. We…Continue Reading

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New Nissan NP300 Navara

New Nissan NP300 Navara

Nissan is presenting the new Navara pickup called NP300. The NP300 Navara’s powertrain boasts improved performance, with reduced fuel consumption and emissions, as well as a dynamic control braking system that makes for a leader in segment performance. Engine options have been developed for best in class fuel efficiency and emissions ratings, yet with impressive…Continue Reading

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MAN improves safety systems

MAN improves safety systems

MAN is launching a new generation of safety systems with the new EBA advanced emergency braking system, ESS Emergency stop signal and LGS lane guard with improved camera technology. MAN is currently introducing the new generation of advanced emergency braking system with sensor fusion (EBA emergency brake assist) and the emergency stop signal (ESS). At…Continue Reading

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Russian future truck: Ural Next

Russian future truck: Ural Next

The market for heavy trucks in Russia is mainly dominated by the European brands, but there are also a lot of American trucks on the road. Designer Sergei Barinov was clearly inspired by the Americans when he designed this ‘Ural Next’ prototype. The truck has nice aerodynamic lines, a huge sleeper and a good looking…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024