Category Archives: Alternative fuels

Renault tests new 16t hybrid truck in practice

Renault Trucks is testing a 16 tonne hybrid truck running on electricity with an autonomous extender in partnership with Norbert Dentressangle and ThyssenKrupp Materials France, a vehicle resulting from work carried out with IFP Energies Nouvelles and PVI. The “hybrid series rechargeable” technology used by this vehicle makes it possible to combine considerable autonomy in…Continue Reading

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Wabco develops new tyre pressure monitoring system

Wabco announced that it is partnering with Huf Electronics Bretten to develop Wabco’s next generation tire pressure monitoring system for trucks, buses and trailers. Huf Electronics Bretten is a leader in providing tire pressure monitoring equipment to the automotive industry. Wabco’s new system will be available to original equipment manufacturers and in the aftermarket in…Continue Reading

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Magnetic road in South Korea

In South Korea the worlds first ‘electric’ or ‘magnetic’ road is being finished. The road of 24 km length has electrical cables under the surface that send electric energy wireless to passing vehicles. By doing this the electrical busses that drive on this route don’t need to carry heavy traction battery’s. The Korean Advanced Institute…Continue Reading

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Dutch predict great future for LNG trucks

The introduction of LNG (liquefied natural gas) as an alternative, cleaner fuel for road transport, inland waterway transport and coastal shipping is expected to bring an extra 2.7 billion euros in economic growth and 8,000 man years between now and 2030, in the Netherlands. The development of LNG is therefore of strategic importance to the…Continue Reading

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Sustainable Scania on LNG or electricity

Recently, we saw that Scania has introduced the first gas powered truck which complies with Euro 6. A complicated achievement, as such an engine requieres a lot of electronics to make sure all sensors act and operate according to the Euro 6  protocol. As we all know, this protocol is much more complicated than Euro…Continue Reading

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Volvo dreams of battery-less electromobility

Volvo Trucks studies the possibility for long-haul trucks and buses to draw the juice they need from the road itself, making large onboard batteries a thing of the past. It looks Volvo’s been inspired by your old fashioned Scalextric racetrack, which should lie somewhere in the dust at your attic, or the attic of your…Continue Reading

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Scania Trolley Truck

Together with Siemens Scania developpes an electric powered truck with a pentograph, just like a train. Scania has for a long time explored the possibilities of electrifying the powertrain in buses and trucks. Siemens has been working with technology, in which vehicles receive power from a wire in the air via a pantograph on the…Continue Reading

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TNO: Euro 6 jeopardises Dual Fuel technology

 Well respected Dutch research institute TNO has published a very interesting reportt on the effects of alternative drivelines for trucks. Especially the arrival of the new Euro 6 requirement was brought into perspective with current alternative technologies such as LNG and CNG, as well as hybrids and Dual Fuel. TNO concludes that with Euro 6, diesel…Continue Reading

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