Author Archives: Iep van der Meer

Autonomous Volvo mining truck

Autonomous Volvo mining truck

Volvo Group has presented the first self-driving mining truck. The truck is part of a research and developement programm on autonomous vehicles with the focus on mining. Volvo is especting highere productivity and improved safety. The project is a cooperation between Volvo Group and Saab. The Volvo FMX tipper truck kan drive, navigate and unload…Continue Reading

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Common Rail for Volvo D13 engine

Common Rail for Volvo D13 engine

After 23 years Volvo has finaly got rid of the unit injectors for the D13 engine. Along with a whole package of novilties on aerodynamics, improved drivelines and the new i-Shift Crawler Volvo has now anounched the introduction of the next D13 engine series. Earlyer the D11 and D16 were adapted to Common Rail technologie,…Continue Reading

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Platooning Challenge 2016 in Rotterdam Maasvlakte

Platooning Challenge 2016 in Rotterdam Maasvlakte

On april 6 platoons of trucks from all over Europe were driving to the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam for the European Platooning Challenge 2016, the first ever cross border platooning project. Six of the seven truck manufactorers, organised in Acea gave an impressive demonstration with Truck Platooning. The audience from all over the world witnessed helicopter…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024