What happens to the Premium cab?

FE_2_lowresNow that Volvo has unveiled it’s Euro 6 FE truck, we wonder at Iepieleaks what is going to happen with the current Premium-cab. As insiders know, the Volvo FE features this cab (see picture). Next month, Renault will unveil it’s new Euro 6 truckseries. Word has it, that three new trucks will be introduced at the same time. A medium sized truck, a long haul truck and a special Magnum-like imagebuilder with a kind of cab that every driver wants.

However, now that Volvo has unveiled the Euro 6 FE with the current Premium-cab, I don’t think that it is likely that the next Premium, to be unveiled next month, will have an entirely new cab. Most probably it is going to be a facelift and some necessary adaptations to fit the Euro 6 engine underneath it.

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