After more than a year of scoop photo’s and even photo’s that were stolen the news is now official: MAN has launched the next generation. The news is about all the trucks of MAN, so the TGL, TGM, TGS and TGX models. They all get the new design and new interiors.
And no, MAN did not design a complete new cab but they improved the model range that was introduced in the year 2000 as TGA. The cab on the new model sits 7 cm higher on the frame to accommodate the new Traton Group engine that will launched later this year.
The new series have a smart new design, improved aerodynamics and more comfort. In the cab there is more space, more storage space and a new, modern dashboard with a LCD screen and an electric handbrake. The new highroof versions give more storage space, up to 1400 liter in the largest XXL cab.

New, smart ACC functions like stop&Go, smart connected services and an alert system that monitors the drivers attention are some of the highlights. Also there is a built in nightcooler and a highbeam assistant.
In the new MAN TGX series for long-distance transport, the new GX cab represents the top of the range. In der neuen MAN TGX-Baureihe für den Fernverkehr stellt das neue GX-Fahrerhaus die Top-of-the-Range dar. The indicator in LED technology on the new MAN TG series is not only functional but also striking in its design.. Der Blinker in LED-Technik an der neuen MAN TG-Baureihe fällt nicht nur funktionell sondern auch vom Design her auf. Armaturentafel in der NN-Kabine der neuen MAN TGS mit MAN SmartSelect, elektrischer Feststellbremse, digitales Kombiinstrument und 12,3-Zoll-Display für exzellenten Dashboard in the NN cabin of the new MAN TGS with MAN SmartSelect, electric parking brake, digital instrument cluster and 12.3-inch display for excellent ease of use, easy operation and optimal readability of all information.. Bedienkomfort, leichte Erreichbarkeit und optimale Ablesbarkeit aller Informationen. In February 2020, MAN presented its new TGX series for long-distance traffic. Pictured is the new GX cab, which stands for maximum airiness in the passenger compartment and maximum living comfort.. MAN präsentierte im Februar 2020 seine neue Baureihe TGX für den Fernverkehr. Abgebildet ist die neue Kabine GX, die für maximal luftiges Innenraumgefühl und höchsten Wohnkomfort steht. MAN hat bei der neuen Fahrzeuggeneration die Spiegel so angeordnet, dass der Fahrer ein optimales Sichtfeld zur Seite hat. In the new generation of vehicles, MAN has arranged the mirrors so that the driver has an optimal field of vision to the side. The MAN SmartSelect enables the driver to operate the infotainment system intuitively, without distraction and unerringly. Das MAN SmartSelect ermöglicht eine intuitive, ablenkungsarme und zielsichere Infotainmentbedienung durch den Fahrer. In the new MAN TGX series for long-distance transport, the new GX cab represents the top of the range. In der neuen MAN TGX-Baureihe für den Fernverkehr stellt das neue GX-Fahrerhaus die Top-of-the-Range dar.
The engines are the same as before but MAN now uses the 5W20 oil for less friction. Intervalls up to 140.000 km or 18 months are now the standard. The cleaning of the partikel filter is now to be done once every 900.000 km on the D26 engine!