Tag Archives: VW Constellation

VW TGX for Brazil

VW TGX for Brazil

While we are waiting for the official launch of the new MAN models in Europe we found this interesting post from Brazil. There the MAN TGX was spotted with a different design of the front and it looks like the new heavy Volkswagen truck. The Brazilian website Autos Segredos writes that is it going to…Continue Reading

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Volkswagen do Brasil ceases production of legendary Titan

Volkswagen do Brasil ceases production of legendary Titan

In Brazil, Volkswagen has stopped production of the iconic truck that was the backbone of Brazilian roadtransport for decades, the Volkswagen Titan. This truck is easy recogniseable from it’s modest, outdated Volkswagen LT-cab, a cab meant for a van. In Europe, old VW LT’s have become really rare. In Brazil however, complete generations of truckdrivers…Continue Reading

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VW Constellation on CNG

VW Constellation on CNG

Volkswagen has introduced a CNG version of the VW Constellation 24.280. This biggest VW truck ever, introduced six years ago was presented now with a CNG system. Estimates for the prototype is a 20% reduction in nitrogen oxide and particulate emissions compared with certifiable diesel engines in Brazil. The CNG system should be compliant with…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024