Tag Archives: Volvo FM

New Volvo FM is out!

And there she comes, the new Volvo FM! This is one of the trucks on it’s way through Europe for demonstration purposes. Volvo wants you to take pics of it and send it to Gothenburg. After the new FH Volvo now anounces the new FM series, the Euro 6 truck for medium and heavy distribution.…Continue Reading

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Volvo FM/FMX design

While we are all waiting for Volvo’s best kept secret so far I found some nice design illustrations of where it could go with these two. Both show the lines of the existing FM cab, but the lower part of the grille and the bumper are new. I like these a lot, especialy the wheels!…Continue Reading

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What about the new FM?

It has been quite a while ago that we heared something about the Volvo FM. There should be something coming for Euro 6, but this is the only photo i found. Is Volvo realy going to use this cab for Euro 6? It looks like the cab sits a litle higher on the frame. Just…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024