Tag Archives: Volvo FM

Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Interesting news about Volvo. We found news about the Federal Motor Safety Association (FMCSA) about the introduction of camera systems in stead of mirrors on www.cdllife.nl. The biggest news is in the photo that is in the article, because that does not only show the mirrorcam, but also the new, digital Volvo dashboard! Volvo is…Continue Reading

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Special Volvo FM crewcab

Special Volvo FM crewcab

This Volvo FM crewcab was spotted by one of our friends during transport. This is probably going to be a heavy fire fighter truck, on its way to the bodybuilder. The double cab of the Volvo FM is not a common vehicle and we are curious if this is an official Volvo cab. And speaking…Continue Reading

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Epic Triumph for Epic Split

Epic Triumph for Epic Split

Volvo Trucks’ Live Test campaign and The Epic Split picked up top prizes at the ‘world cup of advertising’ in Cannes. In all, the campaign – demonstrating innovations of the new truck range – received 20 awards, including eight gold prizes and two prestigious Grand Prix in categories Cyber and Film.   During the spring,…Continue Reading

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The next Volvo FM?

Just a few days after the launch of the new Renault Trucks I found this on the web. It is the new Renault cab with a Volvo FM grille! I am convinced that it is a clever photoshop, but it does look good. Could it be that this is going to be the next Volvo…Continue Reading

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It's a photoshop trick!

After the posting of the new FM of the Dutch company Wesseling I got some reactions about the photo. It seems that the Wesseling ordered the new FM’s, but they don’t even exist at the moment. That means the photo is shopped! You can’t even trust official press releases anymore these days..Continue Reading

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New FM on the road

Now here is the first new Volvo FM that I’ve seen in company livery. It is a Euro-6 and it is owned by Wesseling from Sassenheim, Holland. Wesseling is transporting flowers with the new FM. The truck has the dynamic steering system and Wesseling works with Fuel Advise.Continue Reading

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Official: The new Volvo FM

Today Volvo launches the new FM series. The truck uses the ‘old’ cab, but the rest is new. That means chassis, driveline, suspension, design and even the interior. The interior has the same atmosphere as the FH, and it looks good! Volvo now offers the I-Shift with the traditional box on the seat or without…Continue Reading

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FM spotted in Holland

And there she is, the new FM at the parking of truckstop Frans op den Bult near Deurningen, Holland. I got a good shot of the truck and i could even catch a glimpse of the inside of the truck. It looks like they borrowed some nice stuff from big brother FH! The new FM…Continue Reading

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Volvo FM in Holland

The new Volvo FM left Brussels this morning and is on its way to truckstop Frans op den Bult near Oldenzaal. It will be there by the end of the day. If you spot the truck, send your photo’s to the special Volvo website and win a trip to Sweden! Here’s the link!Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024