Tag Archives: Renault Distribution Trucks

Daimler starts limited production of Urban eTruck

Daimler starts limited production of Urban eTruck

Mercedes-Benz is producing a small series of the all- electric Urban eTruck this year. The trucks are being build for different customers in Europe. The 25 ton truck has a payload of 12,8 ton and a range up to 200 km, wich would be good for distribution. Stefan Buchner, Head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks: “Following the…Continue Reading

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Renault new distribution trucks

Renault is launching the completely new truckrange today in one big internationa event. That means not only the new long-distance models, but also the new distribution and construction trucks. The distribution trucks come in two models, both called ‘D’. There is the 10-18 ton model and the ‘D-Wide’ from 16 – 26 tonnes. The version…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024