Tag Archives: fieldtest

Renault fieldtest movie

One of the fieldtest drivers for Renault made a nice movie about his adventures with his camouflaged truck. Now, after the launch he could publish it on Youtube. Here is the movie!   [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkbOv0SVdrU&w=560&h=315]Continue Reading

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Testing testing the new Renault trucks

For some time now we published scoop photo’s of the new Renault Trucks, but now they send them by official press release! Fifty trucks of the new generation were tested in the past time by costumers who drove more than 2 milion kilometers with the trucks! The results of these tests lead to the fine…Continue Reading

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Complete new Renault range on test

Renault has been doing field tests with the new Euro-6 generation. In total 50 trucks are driving all over Europe with costumers, and the reviews are very good. That is what CEO Bruno Blin said during a meeting with a group of journalists. Renault is finishing a zeven year developement proces and is now ready…Continue Reading

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Volvo field test, also in Australia!

The field tests with the new FH series of Volvo are the biggest that i’ve ever seen. The trucks were not only tested in Europe, but also in Brazil and in Australia. Here’s a nice Youtube about testing down under.  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au8LBWaV0xI&w=560&h=315]Continue Reading

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And another Renault!

And here we have even more Renault prototypes! Iepieleaks spie Jonas A. send me these photo’s that he found on Facebook. Jonas was so clever to check the British licence plates and we know for shure now, this is a Renault truck! Thanks for investigating Jonas, and keep up the good work! When we look…Continue Reading

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New Volvo FM spotted

A while ago i got a reaction from Simon T. Burke who wonders where the new FM is. Well, here it is! It seems that Volvo keeps the old cab for the FM but it is higher placed on the chassis. A nice detail is in the fueltank and the fenders on the rear axles.…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024