Together with Siemens Scania developpes an electric powered truck with a pentograph, just like a train.
Scania has for a long time explored the possibilities of electrifying the powertrain in buses and trucks. Siemens has been working with technology, in which vehicles receive power from a wire in the air via a pantograph on the roof. The two companies have now teamed up to develop electrically powered trucks for commercial use.
“Full-scale demonstration of electrified road sections can quickly become a reality through this partnership,” says Henrik Henriksson, Executive Vice President and head of Scania’s sales and marketing. “Fuel savings made possible by electrification are huge, and this project is a foundation stone for fossil-free road transport.”
Scania continuously strives to reduce heavy transport’s environmental impact, and the development of electric vehicles
will be an important part of the transition to a more sustainable transport system. Scania’s powertrain technology with a hybrid powertrain (a combination of electric and internal combustion technology) can be supplemented by electrical transmission through a line in the air (conduction) or powered through the road surface (induction), thus becoming completely electrically powered on electrified road sections.
Maar wil men dit ook voor lange afstanden gaan gebruiken? Wellicht iets voor gemeentewerken in stadscentra met een bestaand trolleynetwerk.
Siemens werkt trouwens ook samen met Mercedes voor een elektrische trucks.
Scania Trolley Truck via @sharethis