Daimler Truck has presented camouflaged photo’s of the new Fuso eCanter. The pictures show the test vehicles of the new electric small truck.
The first Fuso eCanter was launched in 2017 and since then the trucks have covered more than 4,5 milion kilometers all over the world.
Since 2021, Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (FTBC) has been installing high-voltage quick chargers, an EV workshop, as well as battery test benches used to disassemble and analyze lithium-ion batteries at the Kitsuregawa Proving Ground. The newly installed EV workshop is also equipped with a test bench to verify the external power supply functions of the eCanter in the event of a natural disaster. At Kitsuregawa, other existing facilities have also been developed to evaluate high-voltage EV components and verify the driving functions of electric trucks.
“We are proceeding with the development of electrified vehicles and further expanding our EV-dedicated infrastructure,” said Hironobu Ando, Vice President and Head of Product Engineering. “Our ultimate goal is to achieve CO2-neutrality in our commercial vehicles. Through this ambition, we hope to contribute to the sustainability of not only our customers’ businesses, but also that of society as a whole.”
Details about the range of the new Fuso eCanter are not published yet, but the camouflage can not hide that it is likely to be the same old Fuso cab again, maybe with some new details.