Category Archives: Volvo

Volvo XXL Concept Cab

Volvo XXL Concept Cab

Volvo Trucks has showcased a concept XXL cab for the Australian market. Just like the previous FH model the new FH is also going to offer more interior space. The cab is 20 cm longer than the standard FH sleepercab and that gives a lot more interior space. The longer cab is still a concept…Continue Reading

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Volvo FM scale model!

Volvo FM scale model!

And there is the first photo of the new Volvo FM scale model! These photo’s were sent in by one of our fans but the story does not tell if this is a factory product or the work of a scale model truck builder. The green FM looks good and this could well be the…Continue Reading

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Volvo testing FM and FH

Volvo testing FM and FH

We published some photo’s of the new Volvo FM that is being tested at the moment. The new generation of the Volvo FM is espected to be launched later this year but there is more news coming up! On the website we now find even more photo’s of the FM, but also of the…Continue Reading

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New Volvo FM photo!

New Volvo FM photo!

Volvo is working on the next FM and we showed photo’s before where we see the side of the truck. Here is the first picture of the front end of the cab. The photo was sent in by one of our readers who wants to stay anonymous. Have you seen anything interesting on the road?…Continue Reading

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Breaking: New Volvo FM

Breaking: New Volvo FM

Now here is breaking news. Here you see the first exclusive photo’s of the new Volvo FM. Volvo seems to follow Scania in the modular cab concept because this looks like they shrunk the Volvo FH cab. The next Volvo FM is espected to be launched later this year. This cab is also going to…Continue Reading

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Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Interesting news about Volvo. We found news about the Federal Motor Safety Association (FMCSA) about the introduction of camera systems in stead of mirrors on The biggest news is in the photo that is in the article, because that does not only show the mirrorcam, but also the new, digital Volvo dashboard! Volvo is…Continue Reading

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Bonneted European Euro-6 trucks

Bonneted European Euro-6 trucks

Europe is not known for bonneted trucks these days, but some companies keep trying to produce a bonneted version of the latest Euro-6 trucks. We all know the Iveco Strator, a bonneted Iveco truck that is rebuild in by CFG in The Netherlands. Dozens of these Strator trucks are running all over Europe now, and…Continue Reading

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Volvo testing mirror replacing camera system

Volvo testing mirror replacing camera system

European legislation is deu to change and that makes it possible to replace mirrors with camera systems. On these photo’s that Truckphoto Helsingborg send us we see a Volvo FH with a special bar on the roof. On the end of this wide roof bar we see a camera system. Probably we are going to…Continue Reading

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100% Electric Volvo FL

100% Electric Volvo FL

Volvo has presented a 100% electric FL distribution truck. The Volvo is capable of max vehicle weights up to 16 ton. The electric engine provides 130 kW of continues power with peaks of 185 kW. The max torque is 425 Nm. There is a two- step gearbox. Lithium-Ion batery’s up to 300 kWh provide the…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024