Category Archives: Volvo

Volvo FH flat roof

Now here’s a model of the new FH that I did not see anywhere else. It is the low roof version. From what I understand there are 3 versions of the cab. Low, Globetrotter and Globetrotter XL. That means no short cab likt on the old FH models.              …Continue Reading

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How Volvo tricked us!

During the presentation of the new FH Volvo showed one of their fieldtest trucks that was crashed during a trip. No, this is not the one that crashed in Germany. This truck crashed into another fieldtest truck on an icy road in Sweden! Nice to see is how Volvo tricked us with the camouflage. The…Continue Reading

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Safest truck in the world!

Volvo did a lot of developement work before the launch. Not only were they on the road with a lot of fieldtest trucks, there was also a heavy test programm at their own testtracks. According to Volvo the new FH is not only the best driving and most comfortabel truck, it is also the safest…Continue Reading

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New Volvo FH and FH16!

And here they are, the new Volvo FH and FH16 models! Today Volvo presented the news in a spectacular show all over Europe. The FH series is completely new and it has a lot of space and comfort. The sharp design looks very good, and I can’t wait to see them in a fleet livery.…Continue Reading

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Waiting for the new Volvo FH and FH16

The introduction of a new range of heavy trucks is always exciting. On september 5 at 21.00 the new Volvo FH and FH16 will be lauched and until then you have to do with this fieldtest truck.. If you want to join the show live just click here!   In the meanwhile you can have…Continue Reading

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And another Volvo

And here’s another one on this monday morning! This one was send in by Iepieleaks spie Jos van Pelt ‘JP Thermo’. Jos is a truckdriver that was so clever to catch this new Volvo in a  B-Double configuration in Sweden. Good work Jos!Continue Reading

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More Volvo details

We’ve seen the new Volvo now without all the plasting things covering up the design but here are some more photo’s of a fieldtest truck. They were sent in by Iepieleaks spie Jonas from Sweden. He writes: ,,I had the chance to take some pictures of a new Volvo today. I took 1 picture of…Continue Reading

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