Category Archives: Volvo

New FH, new XXL?

On I found this photo of the new FH16 with an extra long Globetrotter cab. I think it is a Phothoshop creation but it does rais the question, is ther going to be an extended version for Australia? And if that is the case, will it be on the market in European countries? On the…Continue Reading

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New FH in company livery

This very low resolution photo i found on the internet but it is good enough to show the new Volvo FH16 in company livery! The truck looks good in these colours, even better than in the introduction colour. The strange thing is that the series production still has to start for as far as I…Continue Reading

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Volvo gets in to Dong Feng

Volvo anounced today that they have taken a share of 45% in Dong Feng, the biggest truck manufactorer in the world. The Chinese Dong Feng company on it self is bigger than Daimler, and this way Volvo passes Daimler as well! Earlier Volvo took over Nissan Diesel and at that time they also had a…Continue Reading

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Volvo USA 2014 models

Volvo Trucks of North America has already shown the photo’s of the 2014 models! Here is the official Volvo tekst from their website: Volvo Trucks announced today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have awarded all model year 2014 Volvo vehicles certificates of conformance under the first-ever…Continue Reading

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Volvo field test, also in Australia!

The field tests with the new FH series of Volvo are the biggest that i’ve ever seen. The trucks were not only tested in Europe, but also in Brazil and in Australia. Here’s a nice Youtube about testing down under.  [youtube]Continue Reading

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Swedish Road Train

Thanks to Biglorryblog i found these photo’s and the Youtube of the longest Swedish truck i’ve even seen. This Road Train combination drives in the Gothenburg port area with five trailers! Probably they are empty, but it shure looks great!             [youtube]            Continue Reading

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The return of the trailerbrake!

With the new FH series Volvo is re-introducing the good old trailerbrake. The brake can only be used under limited speeds and the system is not (yet?) for tractor-trailer combinations. I bet drivers are going to be happy with this system.  [youtube]Continue Reading

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fieldtest truck in trouble

Fieldtests are being done to test the trucks before they go in production. Sometimes things go wrong, that is why they call it testing. Now this Volvo truck just lost its camouflage package after the launch but it has to be a fieldtest truck. That is because production hasn’t begon yet. Dutch truckdriver Sjouke Kingma…Continue Reading

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New Volvo on the road (update)

Now here is the first new FH truck without cammouflage on the road. I found the photo on Facebook. I think it is an ex fieldtest truck. Since the launch the camouflage wraping is not needed anymore, everyone now knows it is the new Volvo. The production of these types is still not started and…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024