Category Archives: Uncategorized

Iveco wintertest nextgen

Iveco wintertest nextgen

Iveco is caught testing the next generation of heavy trucks in the snow. During the wintertest the Iveco was copared with a Scania S- cab and you can see that the Iveco cab is slightly smaller than the biggest Scania cab. It also seems shorter, but that is because there are no side fenders on…Continue Reading

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Remarks on new MAN

Remarks on new MAN

One of our enthousiast followers is Günter Obst from Germany. He made this photoshop illustration and explains what he thinks is going to happen with the next MAN truck: The structure of the cabin and also the roof of this XXL-version will basically stay as it is. This is illustrated by the position of the…Continue Reading

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Breaking: New Volvo FM

Breaking: New Volvo FM

Now here is breaking news. Here you see the first exclusive photo’s of the new Volvo FM. Volvo seems to follow Scania in the modular cab concept because this looks like they shrunk the Volvo FH cab. The next Volvo FM is espected to be launched later this year. This cab is also going to…Continue Reading

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New Iveco spotted

New Iveco spotted

We had some photo’s of the new Iveco Stralis (Or whatever it’s name is going to be) before, but these were taken on the open road. The test truck was caught during the night and we can see the big size of the cab. The high roof has much more space than the Stralis we…Continue Reading

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Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Volvo: Camera and digital dashboard!

Interesting news about Volvo. We found news about the Federal Motor Safety Association (FMCSA) about the introduction of camera systems in stead of mirrors on The biggest news is in the photo that is in the article, because that does not only show the mirrorcam, but also the new, digital Volvo dashboard! Volvo is…Continue Reading

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Mobile charging by VW

Mobile charging by VW

At the turn of the year, Volkswagen is offering a glimpse of the company’s future mobile quick charging station. It can be set up flexibly and independent of the power supply wherever it is needed: for example, in public parking lots in the city, on company premises, or as a temporary charging point at large-scale…Continue Reading

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Renault steamline truck with extended aerodynamic front

Renault steamline truck with extended aerodynamic front

Renault Trucks has shown a first illustration of how the new, longer cab should look like. The longer front is for better aerodynamics, and also for more safety for other road users. The Renault Optifuel Lab 3 is developed as a part of the FALCON project. Optifuel Lab 3 combines technologies aimed at optimizing aerodynamics,…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024