Category Archives: Bedrijfsnieuws

Continental ProViu replaces mirrors

Continental ProViu replaces mirrors

Continental presents an innovation that could change a lot in the comming years of truckdesign. The ProViu Mirror: A camera system that replaces mirrors on a truck. The new camera system takes care of the blindspot and gives much better aerodynamic figures than conventional mirrors. The system looks like the one on the Actros Highway…Continue Reading

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DAF future study

DAF future study

At the press conference of DAF trucks at the IAA2014 this future study was presented as an example of where design could go to, when new European rules allow a protective nose in front of the cab improving aerodynamics and safety related to bicyclists. An interesting point is that some of the lines in this…Continue Reading

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VSE and Weber Hydraulik present jointly at IAA

VSE and Weber Hydraulik present jointly at IAA

Earlier this year, VSE of Veenendaal (NL) was acquired by Weber Hydraulik, the multinational German specialist in the field of hydraulics and hydraulic-related products. Weber Hydraulik’s network and products provide an advantageous, stable base for VSE to further spread its wings in the global marketplace, while Weber Hydraulik benefits from VSE’s vehicle and system knowledge.…Continue Reading

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Renault Optifuel Lab 2

Renault Optifuel Lab 2

Renault Trucks shows with the Optifuel Lab2 a new study to lower fuel consumption and Co2 in the near future. The new driving laboratry is based on the new Renault Truck T-series and it has a lot of interesting details. The truck has twenty new technologies on board that have positive effects on rolling resistance,…Continue Reading

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Volvo drivers manual App

Volvo drivers manual App

Volvo Trucks is the first to launch the drivers manual for trucks in an App. The information can be found chassis-specific for every Volvo truck. The specific manual is also in print available, but from now on the driver can also download the App. The App also works off-line and it gives all kind of…Continue Reading

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Waberer’s: 100 million investment

Waberer’s: 100 million investment

The board of directors of Waberer’s International Pte.Co. has decided on a Euro 6 vehicle procurement unprecedented in Europe both in terms of value and size: the company will acquire 1300 new MEGA truck-trailers to rejuvenate and upgrade its fleet. With the investment exceeding the value of 100 million Euros, more than a quarter of…Continue Reading

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CIMC Silvergreen quits European trailerproject

CIMC Silvergreen quits European trailerproject

Shortly after finishing a brandnew plant in Bavaria, Chinese industrial conglomerate, specialised in the production of tank containers, quits a project to establish a new trailer brand ont the Europea market, CIMC Silvergreen. In the past months, at the small Bavarina town of Günzburg, a new head office was established, preceding the realisation of a…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024