Author Archives: Iep van der Meer

More MAN trucks spotted in Sweden

More MAN trucks spotted in Sweden

Our Iepieleaks spie squad has spotted even more MAN testtrucks. These photo’s were made in Arvidsjaur, Sweden last week. We see the heavy trucks that seem to come with a new roof, now without the high windscreen and side windows. For the rest it is all speculation what is tested here but there shure is…Continue Reading

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Tatra starts production in Azerbeijan

Tatra starts production in Azerbeijan

TATRA trucks will be produced in Azerbaijan. TATRA and Azerbaijani Ganja Automobile plant have agreed on the terms and conditions of the joint project. The project, which was mediated with help of the Euro-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, will be launched in 2018 when the first pieces of vehicles should be assembled in Azerbaijan. The memorandum…Continue Reading

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MAN test truck caught in Sweden

MAN test truck caught in Sweden

Our Iepieleaks spiesquad did it again! This time they spotted an MAN truck that is testing in Sweden. The truck was caught on the E45 in the Slagnas area. What we see here is a new generation of the TGX cab with the XXL roof. These are not the first photo’s of the truck and…Continue Reading

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New Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

New Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

And there she is! The new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. This important van now comes with rearwheel drive, allwheel drive and as frontwheel drive. This is the first time the Sprinter can be ordered as a front wheel drive van and that gives new oportunities. For an example the ‘triebkopf’ version that can be the front end…Continue Reading

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New Sprinter spotted in France!

New Sprinter spotted in France!

Tomorrow we are leaving for Germany to have a first look at the new Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. Now what a coincidence, look what i just found in my mailbox! These photo’s were taken today on the Peage in France in the Lyon area. Dutch truckdriver Arjo Oskam thought this could be something for Iepieleaks. You bet…Continue Reading

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Driverless transport starting this year in Sweden

Driverless transport starting this year in Sweden

The Swedish Einride company wants to start testing the robotised truck named T-Pod later this year on public roads in Sweden. After next summer the first trucks will be on the road between Helsingborg and Gothenborg, transporting goods for Lidl. The distance of 200 km should be just enough for the batery capacity of the…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024