Author Archives: Iep van der Meer

Volvo FH flat roof

Now here’s a model of the new FH that I did not see anywhere else. It is the low roof version. From what I understand there are 3 versions of the cab. Low, Globetrotter and Globetrotter XL. That means no short cab likt on the old FH models.              …Continue Reading

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New DAF design leaked!

Earlyer i posted this scoop photo of a new DAF truck. The truck was caught during a photoshoot by one of the Iepieleaks spie squad! Now Truckstar Magazine has an even better scoop, an artist-impression of the complete design. The sources are secret but artist Peter Zadelaar who made this drawing knows for 89 procent…Continue Reading

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Ford Transit series complete!

  Ford just launched the complete Transit series at th “Go Further” event in Amsterdam. The event  is part of Ford’s strategy to expose as many people as possible to their newest products and technology. The introduction of the new generation Transit and Transit Connect models is a major step in Ford’s commitment to completely…Continue Reading

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How Volvo tricked us!

During the presentation of the new FH Volvo showed one of their fieldtest trucks that was crashed during a trip. No, this is not the one that crashed in Germany. This truck crashed into another fieldtest truck on an icy road in Sweden! Nice to see is how Volvo tricked us with the camouflage. The…Continue Reading

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Scoop! The new DAF XF

At the IAA in Hannover DAF is going to present the new DAF XF series but here’s the first scoop photo of the real thing! We’ve showed a lot of fieldtest trucks but this is the design that DAF is going to present. The iepieleaks spie got a glimps of the truck when he found…Continue Reading

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Safest truck in the world!

Volvo did a lot of developement work before the launch. Not only were they on the road with a lot of fieldtest trucks, there was also a heavy test programm at their own testtracks. According to Volvo the new FH is not only the best driving and most comfortabel truck, it is also the safest…Continue Reading

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New Volvo FH and FH16!

And here they are, the new Volvo FH and FH16 models! Today Volvo presented the news in a spectacular show all over Europe. The FH series is completely new and it has a lot of space and comfort. The sharp design looks very good, and I can’t wait to see them in a fleet livery.…Continue Reading

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Turkish Ford destined for Europe

Ford has plans to return to the European truck market, according to Dutch truck magazine This particular Turkish truck looks like a true Ford, which is quite a common sight in Turkey. The dutch colleagues presume that this truck comes to Europe and if this true I wonder who’s going to sell it.    …Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024