Waberer’s: 100 million investment

warbererThe board of directors of Waberer’s International Pte.Co. has decided on a Euro 6 vehicle procurement unprecedented in Europe both in terms of value and size: the company will acquire 1300 new MEGA truck-trailers to rejuvenate and upgrade its fleet. With the investment exceeding the value of 100 million Euros, more than a quarter of the average two-year old fleet equipped with Euro 5 EEV environment-friendly engines will be replaced with Euro 6 trucks, having the smallest ecological footprint.

Now that is interesting information because that gives away the going price for a tractor-trailer combination. When Waberer’s succeed in a deal that means they want to pay less than 80.000 Euro for a tractor with a mega-trailer! That is about half the list price!

At the same time, the procurement will further unify the asset vehicle fleet of one of the Europe’s largest road freight companies. By acquiring the new large MEGA trailers, Waberer’s will only perform freight transportation with equipment 5% larger in unit capacity than smaller types. With fuel consumption and traffic load unchanged, the increased capacity will further improve the fleet’s average annual freight performance of 6,5 billion FTKs. 
Waberer’s has issued a tender for potential suppliers; the selection is to be made this summer. The winners will be manufacturers who, apart from a favorable price, offer the most cost-effective operating conditions along with most advanced road and freight safety solutions. Every truck must be equipped with a lane departure warning system, a driver attention monitor system, an adaptive cruise control tempomat and intelligent automatic gear with fuel optimization. A spacious, convenient cockpit, a large-size refrigerator and air auxiliary heater are to serve the drivers’ comfort.

Waberer’s investment is part of a series of measures aiming to double last-year’s revenues of 452 million Euros by year 2020. With the goal to accelerate the increase of sales, Waberer’s has continued its commercial offensive involving the creation of a network of subsidiaries in Europe’s major market centers. Subsequently to the establishment of Waberer’s France in Paris this spring, Waberer’s UK is about to start operation and the formation of the Waberer’s company in the Netherlands is also in an advanced statemill

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