Volvo VT5 Aero by Vlastuin

Dutch company Vlastuin has presented a new bonneted Volvo truck, based on the FH Aero. Vlastuin is known all over Europe and even further for their Scania and Volvo conversions to bonneted trucks

The new VT5 Aero combines the streamline of the Aero front with a completely new bonnet. The truck in the pictures is the first one of this new series. The truck is based on a FH16 780 with the XXL sleepercab.

Not only the bonnet is new, also the top grille was redesigned. In stead of the standard Volvo grille Vlastuin developed a top grille that has the same raster as the lower front grille. The size is exactly the same, so this grille also fits in the standard FH and FH16 Aero models.

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