Soon after the first introduction of the I-See system Volvo now comes with an improved version. I-See controls the cruise control and anticipates on the topography. When hills come the vehicle shifts down and revs up, but on the top of the hill it takes the accelleration away and shifts up. that way the gravity does its job, and that saves a lot of fuel. So far so good, but the first time on a new road the system had to learn. After storing the data the memory was good for about 5000 hills before it started to overwrite. So, a trip that you do twice a year would never benefit from the I-See system.
At the presentation during the launch of the new FH critics asked if the memory of the system would be big enough to be usefull. Volvo now reacts with, lets say the 2.0 version. All data from I-See trucks is now uploaded to a central server. Every Volvo with this system now can take the information from that server so the truck always knows the road, even the first time!