TMA Bark: Euro-6 and Kraker trailers

Kraker Tmabark1TMA Bark from the UK is a large producer of peat free bark, woodchip products and organic mulch. The company moves about 350.000m3 of organic products per year. The company recently adopted a new Volvo FH Euro 6. Not yet legally required, however, TMA Bark considered it to be its moral obligation. “As market leader in the UK, we believe that we must do everything in our power to work as environmentally friendly as possible.” With the UK-exported CF-BEST of Kraker Trailers, the Volvo FH forms an impressive combination. The vehicle, the standard Kraker moving floor trailer with a volume of 92m3, has been adjusted to the UK market. The hydraulic connection, for instance, is located elsewhere. The Kraker moving floor trailer is deployed for transport of the organic products.


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