Tata Prima for Europe?

Tata-Prima-picIn 2010 the Tata Prima was launched for India. The truck is a product of the Tata Deawoo Comercial Vehicle Co, the South Korean unit of India’s largest automaker Tata Motors Ltd.

At the lauch Mr. Kim, Jong-Shik, President and CEO of Tata Deawoo said that the company was considering shipping the trucks to Europe as CKD kits, but that never happened.

I’m curious about the European plans of Tata Deawoo, did they decide not to come over because of the crisis? And what other brands are aiming at Europe? For years we only had seven truckbrands on the European market in the heavy segment but there is a lot going on in China, India and Korea.

When i see what they developed in the last years they make huge steps and i am very curious when we are going to see the first new brands on the market in Europe. Info anyone?

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