Tag Archives: Xcient

Hyundai trucks on European roads

Hyundai trucks on European roads

The Hyundai trucks that we showed on Iepieleaks earlyer this week belong to a company named Vecutra. Now that Russian company belongs to a Polish company named Adampol. Last year another company took over the Polish firm, including the Russian branch. The name of the company that took over is Clovis, and that belongs to…Continue Reading

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Driving Hyundai Xcient

For BIGtruck online magazine I was the first journalist ever to drive the new Hyundai Xcient on public roads in Korea. Watch the movie on Youtube or click here for BIGtruck online magazine for the full story! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pNGX8se7K8]Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

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