Tag Archives: Volvo FE

What happens to the Premium cab?

Now that Volvo has unveiled it’s Euro 6 FE truck, we wonder at Iepieleaks what is going to happen with the current Premium-cab. As insiders know, the Volvo FE features this cab (see picture). Next month, Renault will unveil it’s new Euro 6 truckseries. Word has it, that three new trucks will be introduced at…Continue Reading

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Volvo readies FE and FL for Euro 6

Volvo introduces its new range of light trucks with Euro 6 engines. From the outside, the trucks maintain their Renault cab, but it’s been modified to the family-look we got acquainted to with the introduction of the FH. Underneath the cab, customers can choose from a four cylinder five litre engine and a 7,7 litre…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024