And here is even more video. This time in daylight and from a dashcam! These testtrucks were shot on the E45 comming from the direction of Arvidsjaur.… Continue Reading
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And here is even more video. This time in daylight and from a dashcam! These testtrucks were shot on the E45 comming from the direction of Arvidsjaur.… Continue Reading
Now here is something to talk about. These photo’s were made on the France Autoroute A36 last August by a truck driver and Iepieleaks spy.… Continue Reading
The recent IAA did not show a new Scania, but something new should come up now within, let’s say a year? And no, that is not an official Scania statement but just a wild guess. Meanwhile we are all waiting for news to leak and for prototypes to be spotted like this one. And no,…… Continue Reading