Tag Archives: Prototype truck

New Iveco truck spotted! ?

New Iveco truck spotted! ?

This photo was sent in to iepieleaks and it shows what could be the next Iveco heavy truck. It could also be a very good photoshop, but there are some details that do make sense. The lines in the grille do look like the latest Daily so the design could be right. The cab is…Continue Reading

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More MAN trucks spotted in Sweden

More MAN trucks spotted in Sweden

Our Iepieleaks spie squad has spotted even more MAN testtrucks. These photo’s were made in Arvidsjaur, Sweden last week. We see the heavy trucks that seem to come with a new roof, now without the high windscreen and side windows. For the rest it is all speculation what is tested here but there shure is…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024