Tag Archives: Proto

And even more Scania proto’s

And even more Scania proto’s

The Scania people seem to be very busy working on the next generation. This photo was made from inside a truck on a parking somewhere in Spain i think. In the next isseu of BIGtruck online magazine we will have even more photo’s of the next Scania generation.Continue Reading

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Heavily camouflaged Scania's on the road

Iepieleaks Spy Robert Gringhuis was taking the ferry to Danmark early this morning when he spotted this heavily camouflaged truck on the boat. A close inspection on the frame told him that it is a Scania, and probably a new model! A few weeks ago I got a message from an other driver that this…Continue Reading

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Scania news leaked?

Now these are two photo’s that I just got from one of my Iepieleaks spie squad. He found them somewhere in a dark corner of the internet and they make me very curious. Is this the real thing? Are these leaked scale models like the ones of Volvo some time ago?     The design…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 1 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024