Tag Archives: Norbert Dentressangle

Norbert Dentressangle taken over by XPO Logistics

Norbert Dentressangle taken over by XPO Logistics

The American company XPO Logistics has taken over the French Logistic company Norbert Dentressangle. Dentressangle is by far the biggest European logistics company with a fleet of 7800 trucks, 11.500 trailers and a staff of 46.000 people. The Americans pay 3,24 billjon Euro’s for the company. Founder Norbert Dentressangle held 67% of all the shares…Continue Reading

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Renault tests new 16t hybrid truck in practice

Renault Trucks is testing a 16 tonne hybrid truck running on electricity with an autonomous extender in partnership with Norbert Dentressangle and ThyssenKrupp Materials France, a vehicle resulting from work carried out with IFP Energies Nouvelles and PVI. The “hybrid series rechargeable” technology used by this vehicle makes it possible to combine considerable autonomy in…Continue Reading

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