Tag Archives: Nikola

Anheuser Busch orders Tesla and Nikola trucks

Anheuser Busch orders Tesla and Nikola trucks

Beer brewer Anheuser Busch ordered 40 Tesla trucks. Now the company has ordered a large number of hydrogen trucks at the biggest competitor of Tesla, Nikola. The lawsuit that Nikola filed agianst Tesla, does not impress Anheuser Busch. The giant beer company intends to produce its Budweiser beers with renewable energy by the year 2020.…Continue Reading

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Nikola names fuel cell key suppliers

Nikola names fuel cell key suppliers

Nikola Motor Company has named Bosch and PowerCell AB as the primary suppliers of its fuel cells for the Nikola class 8 hydrogen-electric truck. The Nikola fuel cell is anticipated to output more than 300kW continuously. It has been designed to handle the entire lease period of one million miles per truck. The Nikola fuel…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024