Tag Archives: Mercedes

Daimler sells 2884 trucks in Brazil

Mercedes has agreed to deliver no less than 2884 construction trucks to the Ministery of Agricultural Affairs in Brazil. The trucks feature the old Ecoliner cab and are badged ‘Atron’. They are equipped with three axles and they look relatively simple, as has to be the case in vast areas with not too many roads…Continue Reading

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DAF increases production, Mercedes looks for savings

DAF Trucks will increase it’s truck production from 164 trucks per day to 184 trucks by the end of August upcoming. DAF reports increasing interest from customers in it’s newly introduced generation of Euro 6 trucks. To cope with the production increase, DAF looks to reinforce it’s workforce with 200 newly to recruit people. In…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024