Tag Archives: Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes: Testing in progress

And this is how Mercedes-Benz was testing components for the new Actros SLT series. I took these photo’s about two years ago during a visit to Germany. Take a look at the first trailer, it has four axles. Behind it another 3- axled trailer and as you can see on the lower photo even with…Continue Reading

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Sisu Euro-6 with new Actros cab

The Norwegian website Tungt.no brings the news that Sisu is going to launch the Euro-6 version of the Polar trucks in oktober. The new Sisu is going to use the inline six cylinder engine of Mercedes-Benz that delivers up to 625 Hp. The engine comes with the PowerShift-3 gearbox of Mercedes or with manual transmission.…Continue Reading

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Another design award for Actros

Mercedes-Benz has won a prestigeus Design Award for the Actros series. The IF-Design Award was founded 60 years ago by the International Forum design in Hannover. The Actros won the price in the category ‘Communication and Packaging’ The Actros also won the ‘Red Dot’ Design Award of the Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, ‘German Design Award 2013’ and…Continue Reading

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Bharat Benz: succes in India

The new Bharat Benz heavy-duty is a big succes in India. In three months there were 1000 units sold! From the start of sales on September 26, 2012 until the year-end, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) sold 1,098 heavy-duty trucks between 25 and 31 tons. Furthermore, the heavy-duty truck with a vehicle weight of 31…Continue Reading

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New Atego in may

Mercedes-Benz is going to launch the new Atego series on the CV Show in Birmingham in April, and on the Bauma exhibition in Munich. Today we got the first ‘artist impressions’ of the new Atego and they look prommising. The Euro 6 atego comes with seven different enging outputs and it has several novilties on…Continue Reading

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