Tag Archives: MAN2020

The new MAN generation

The new MAN generation

After more than a year of scoop photo’s and even photo’s that were stolen the news is now official: MAN has launched the next generation. The news is about all the trucks of MAN, so the TGL, TGM, TGS and TGX models. They all get the new design and new interiors. And no, MAN did…Continue Reading

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New MAN photo’s leaked

New MAN photo’s leaked

It is nowadays very hard to keep the design of a new vehicle secret. The last introductions of Scania and Volvo trucks were leaked by the design of the scale models. Now MAN is victim of leaked photo’s in a magazine that was meant to be published next week, after the launch. The photo’s are…Continue Reading

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MAN testing in Sweden

MAN testing in Sweden

https://youtu.be/EMpr_UatnIw MAN is soon to launch the new TGN generation. The German truckmaker is still testing in the winter cold in Sweden. These immages and video were made by a dashcam of a Dutch truckdriver. The news is that MAN is going to upgrade the complete range, and not only the top models.Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 1 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024