Tag Archives: MAN TGN

New MAN photo’s leaked

New MAN photo’s leaked

It is nowadays very hard to keep the design of a new vehicle secret. The last introductions of Scania and Volvo trucks were leaked by the design of the scale models. Now MAN is victim of leaked photo’s in a magazine that was meant to be published next week, after the launch. The photo’s are…Continue Reading

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MAN testing in Sweden

MAN testing in Sweden

https://youtu.be/EMpr_UatnIw MAN is soon to launch the new TGN generation. The German truckmaker is still testing in the winter cold in Sweden. These immages and video were made by a dashcam of a Dutch truckdriver. The news is that MAN is going to upgrade the complete range, and not only the top models.Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024