Tag Archives: Jost

Freightliner fits Jost

Freightliner fits Jost

The American Dailmler brand Freightliner is going to mount Jost fifth wheel couplings from now on as standard. The American market leader signed the contract with Jost last week. Freightliner will use the JSK 36 mm couplings as standard on Freightliner trucks but DTNA will also offer the lightweight JSK 36 coupling to the Western…Continue Reading

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Roof diffusor from Jost

The German company Jost introduces a patented roof diffusor for trailers that promises fuel savings up to 4%. The drag behind the trailer is supposed to be 50% lower when this device is mounted on the roof. JOST SDR has a positive effect in reducing air turbulence at the rear of the vehicle. The air…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024