Tag Archives: Interior

Hyundai interior on Youtube

I’m very curious about the interior of the new Hyundai Trago Xcient, and here is the first short view on Youtube. I love the comment in Korean, but too bad the subtitels are missing.. The interior looks good though!  [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwaldKXwKCE&w=560&h=315]Continue Reading

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FM spotted in Holland

And there she is, the new FM at the parking of truckstop Frans op den Bult near Deurningen, Holland. I got a good shot of the truck and i could even catch a glimpse of the inside of the truck. It looks like they borrowed some nice stuff from big brother FH! The new FM…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

bigtruck magazine editie 8 2024

bigtruck magazine Cabinetest 2022