Tag Archives: Hyundai Xcient

Hydrogen Hyundai Xcient trucks on their way to Switzerland

Hydrogen Hyundai Xcient trucks on their way to Switzerland

Hyundai has shipped the first ten hydrogen driven Xcient trucks to Switzerland. This country will use 1600 hydrogen Hyundai trucks by 2025, the intention is. Before the end of the year, another 40 trucks will be delivered. The Xcient truck was developed by Hyundai as a heavy duty dieseltruck. However, it appeared possible to create…Continue Reading

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Hyundai Xcient spotted in Rotterdam

One of the many, many Iepieleaks spies who roam the entire globe to find the latest trucks, spotted this bright-red painted Hyundai Xcient in the Port of Rotterdam. What is it doing overthere? To the opinion of our spie in Rotterdam, it could be transferred from one ship to the other. No one has any…Continue Reading

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Hyundai Xcient on Youtube

A few weeks ago Hyundai launched the new Xcient heavy truck on the Seoel Motor Show. Now here is a Youtube video that shows the new truck in detail. Also it shows some winter testing material during tests in Finland, last winter. Now, after having seen the previous Trago models, this looks like a giant…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

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