Tag Archives: Gazelle

Smart looking Ural

Smart looking Ural

Now this is the new Russian Ural bonneted truck that was presented in Miass. The truck is build on the chassis frame of the Ural 55571-72M dump truck and it has the cab that was borrowed from Gazelle Next. Ural made new fenders, bonnet and put the Gazelle cab behind it. The result looks very good, especialy on these large…Continue Reading

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GAZ Gazelle

And here is the GAZ Gazelle from Russia in different models. The orange one is a 3,5 ton double cab, and the vehicle in the midle is an 18 seater minibus. The last one is a bonneted truck with a different nose. The diesel engines in the small versions come from Cummins in China. The…Continue Reading

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The new Gazelle

And here is straight from Russia, the new Gazelle! The Russian GAZ Group invested 125 milion Euro’s in this new light commercial vehicle. Here you see the new Gazelle during testing. The new Russian minitruck looks good, not only on the outside, but also the interior. Photo’s: Fedor Lapshin http://trucks.autoreview.ru/  Continue Reading

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