Tag Archives: fieldtest

New DAF on the road!

Iepieleaks follower and truckspotter Robert-Jan Onderwater spotted this Euro6 DAF truck today. He saw it comming up in his mirror and he new instantly that there was something about this white DAF. He was right! The front is slightly different to cammouflage the bigger cab hight but the most important difference is on the back…Continue Reading

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More Volvo, still cammouflaged

And another Volvo truck, still with all the cammouflage on. These were send in by Paul van der Hoek, one of my Iepieleaks spies.                     I wonder when this new generation is going to be presented. I assume the trucks will make their debut on the…Continue Reading

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Another DAF fieldtest truck

And again one of the Iepieleaks ‘spiesquad’ scored a DAF fieldtest truck. A black one this time. The plastic parts around the headlights and the grille are made out of one piece and also the dashboard is different. The headlights look a bit strange and that must be camouflage. The photographer had a sneak look…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024