Tag Archives: FH

Volvo FH: XXL coming?

Volvo used to build an XXL version of the old FH Globetrotter for the Australian market. In a later that big-cab-Volvo was also sold in Norway, and some of them are driving all over Europe. After the new FH has been launched in Australia, there is no sign yet of a new XXL version. I…Continue Reading

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New FH, new XXL?

On Facebook.com I found this photo of the new FH16 with an extra long Globetrotter cab. I think it is a Phothoshop creation but it does rais the question, is ther going to be an extended version for Australia? And if that is the case, will it be on the market in European countries? On the…Continue Reading

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New Volvo FH and FH16!

And here they are, the new Volvo FH and FH16 models! Today Volvo presented the news in a spectacular show all over Europe. The FH series is completely new and it has a lot of space and comfort. The sharp design looks very good, and I can’t wait to see them in a fleet livery.…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

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