Tag Archives: Electric distribution

Driverless transport starting this year in Sweden

Driverless transport starting this year in Sweden

The Swedish Einride company wants to start testing the robotised truck named T-Pod later this year on public roads in Sweden. After next summer the first trucks will be on the road between Helsingborg and Gothenborg, transporting goods for Lidl. The distance of 200 km should be just enough for the batery capacity of the…Continue Reading

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Electric Transit ‘Streetscooter’ for Deutsche Post DHL

Electric Transit ‘Streetscooter’ for Deutsche Post DHL

After the compact full electric ‘Streetscooter’ distribution van the new German producer of electric LCV’s now presents the Streetscooter Work XL. This bigger LCV is based on a Ford Transit van with a 20 cubic metres big body. Custumers can choose different batterypacks that make distances possible up to 120 km on one battey charge.…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024