Tag Archives: DAF Trucks

DAF future study

DAF future study

At the press conference of DAF trucks at the IAA2014 this future study was presented as an example of where design could go to, when new European rules allow a protective nose in front of the cab improving aerodynamics and safety related to bicyclists. An interesting point is that some of the lines in this…Continue Reading

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600 DAF trucks for Waberer's International

The Hongarian company Waberer’s International has signed an order for 600 DAF trucks. Chairman and CEO Gyorgy Waberer espects a double digit grow figure over the coming years for his company. The 600 trucks are devided in 150 CF and 450 XF types. Most of them are Euro 5, but about one third of the…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024