Tag Archives: Comtrans

Comtrans started in Moskow

In Moskow the Comtrans show opened the doors, and the first big event was the announcing of the winner of the Truck of the Year 2014, the Volvo FH. At the show all European, Russian and Asian brands show their latest products, including Hyundai with the new Xcient. Here you find some photo’s that I…Continue Reading

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ITOY to Moskou

The International Truck of the Year ceremony will be held in Moskou next year at Comtrans. More than 400 companies from Russia, CIS countries as well as foreign countries are to participate in COMTRANS 2013. The leading domestic and foreign manufacturers of trucks, buses, trailers, special vehicles and components are to display their exhibits on…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

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