DAF is testing a new generation of trucks and we are all curious when this new heavy truck is going to be launched. Rumours say the IAA is going to be the first presentation but the big question now is if there is going to be an IAA this year because of the Corona crisis.

Fact is that DAF is testing a new generation truck with a cab that seems to be slightly larger than the XF cab. This is possible due to the new EU regulations that become legal by the end of this year.

Dutch truckdriver Rangco Kieft spotted the truck for Iepieleaks on a public parking space in the south of The Netherlands. The styling of the truck is off course hidden behind heavy camouflage but we do think the new DAF truck has a flat floor, a very wide bunk and even more storage space than before. Another detail is that the fenders seem to be fitted to the chassis, and not to the cab. Thanks for the photo’s Rangco, and keep them comming if you spot something interesting!