Iveco trucks on LNG Biogas

Vliet2More and more operators are looking for an alternative for diesel. In Holland Schouten Rolande is rebuilding Iveco CNG trucks in to LNG. With this liquefied biogas the the trucks have a longer action radius than with compressed CNG. The Iveco trucks come from the factory with an Iveco gas engine, so this is no dual fuel solution. The network of LNG filling stations is growing in Holland, and more and more operators are testing these Iveco trucks.

Apart from the cheaper fuel there is another big advantage. The LNG Gas trucks are much quieter than diesel trucks. Therefor these Iveco trucks get a PIEK certificate that allows them to go in to the city’s at night. That makes distribution in the night possible, and that is much more efficient than in the daytime in the often congested city-centres. The Iveco LNG trucks come with manual transmissions or with an Allison automatic transmission. The ZF AS-Tronic is not Oenema vrachtwagens 009(yet) ready for a combination with the gas engines.Vliet1

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